Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Resource Blog #3

The resource that I found this week was very exciting to look through! Although all of the resources are not open for me to use at the time, I got to look around and see all of the things that Freckle can offer students and teachers. Freckle is a free site with a premium version offered. My access was currently limited because you are required to claim a school before all of Freckle’s resources can be unlocked. Once unlocked, this site has ELA, Social Studies, Science, and Math material on it, with the standards for each available as well. Because it allows you to choose what grade level you need, this site can offer assignments that align to the standards of which grade you teach. Along with that, this site even allows you to include your roster and school so that you can receive reports on how each student is mastering the work completed while online. Within the math content area, this tool provides ways for student to practice math skills and standards, build fact fluency, and apply math to real world contexts. I believe this tool would be very useful as I teach math because it provides many resources that all fall under the standards that I could use for in-class assessments as well as assign homework.
Word count: 220


  1. Hey Gabie! I really enjoyed reading about this resource. What sounds particularly interesting to me is how you can link your freckle account to your classroom roster. I like how convenient it is to track students' progress. In addition, I like that it is available to all subjects, not just math. I can definitely see myself looking into this resource more when I am a teacher. Thanks for sharing!

    Word Count: 69

  2. Hey Gabie!
    Your resource is the perfect way to help teachers stray away from traditional assessment models. This will bring them the opportunity to let their students create their assessment and go at their own pace. I would imagine with more than three class periods, with 20 plus students in each, it will get messy when monitoring progress for each one of them. I think this resource will help with this issue by organizing and personalizing each student's progress report for you.
    (word count 80)


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